Certified hygiene in hotels
Contactless check-in supports hotels with certification of their hygiene concepts
The strict hygiene regulations of the authorities and the increased demands of the guests still pose great challenges for the hotel industry. How can the industry, or even an individual hotelier, convince visitors that the many regulations are really being met or even exceeded? One approach that creates new confidence among hotel guests is the certification of their own hygiene concept by an internationally recognized institute. Especially at the moment, such certification gives hotels a significant competitive advantage.

With contactless and digital check-in, hotels also have a decisive advantage in the certification process. The AMANO Group recently made the same experience. Our technology in the hotels contributed to the fact that the hotel group’s hygiene concept was certified by the SGS Institut Fresenius.
The German market leader in neutral hygiene control in the retail, system gastronomy, restaurant, hotel and catering sectors has audited and verified the AMANO Grand Central Hotel in Berlin in the use of COVID-19. The institute works decentralized in whole Germany with more than 100 highly qualified and trained auditors and samplers, who are trained regularly.
Check-in is of central importance in hotels. Many people meet at the reception or in the lobby. Therefore, the regulations on cleanliness and distance should be observed there particularly carefully. Contactless and digital check-in helps hoteliers to ensure that hygiene rules are observed and to inspire guests right at the beginning of their stay with a modern and secure check-in process.
The check-in via the own smartphone thanks to the App and the Hotelbird software solution, which works in the background in the hotels, or via a Hotelbird Self-Service Terminal and the digital key is a crucial point when it comes to the hygienic and secure design of the check-in process. The guest can already check in during the journey and with the mobile key he gets his virtual key directly on his smartphone. Functions such as the legally compliant digital registration form, payment and checkout are also integrated. This means that there are no longer any physical contact points for these processes.
The advantages of the hotelbird solution at a glance:
- Legally compliant contactless check-in (with digital registration form and payment function)
- Choice between mobile key via App or check-in/out at the Terminal on site
- 100 % guest journey contactless possible
- Numerous PMS and locking systems already permanently connected
- Distance regulations can be easily maintained via Pre Check-in/out
- Protection of their own employees, as the risk of infection is minimized
- The contactless check-in/out with Hotelbird integrates into your existing system landscape
- Reduction of unnecessary formalities through an integrated, process-optimized solution
If you would like to know more about our contactless, digital and innovative solution for converting your processes, please contact us. You can make a personal appointment here.
We will be happy to help you with your questions and projects on the way to certification of hygiene standards in your company.

Your contact person!
Would you like to receive more information about our services? Please feel free to contact me.
PHONE +49 (0) 160 963 202 69 E-MAIL hendrik.grebe@hotelbird.com